
Warm Understanding

We don’t have an unlim­it­ed num­ber of inno­va­tions to keep push­ing the hock­ey stick shape of growth for­ward. Each time we inno­vate and we push the end fur­ther ahead in time, it short­ens the amount of time in total that we have to address com­plex­i­ty and prob­lems. So this is…this is not good. I’m just gonna say it, this is not good. 

Living in Information

The fram­ing of what we design is very impor­tant to how we go about it. We have not been fram­ing these things as con­texts. We’ve been fram­ing them as prod­ucts, ser­vices, and a whole oth­er series of terms that are— Tools, for exam­ple. And these are things that are most­ly trans­ac­tion­al. They’re not things that are meant to be inhabited.