
The Coming War on General Computation

General pur­pose com­put­ers are in fact astound­ing. So astound­ing that our soci­ety is still strug­gling to come to grips with them. To fig­ure out what they’re for. To fig­ure out how to accom­mo­date them and how to cope with them.

Challenging the Audience to Work in Anti-Disciplinary Spaces

I came into doing work in an antidis­ci­pli­nary space more or less by acci­dent. Back when I was apply­ing to uni­ver­si­ty, the schools would send out these books talk­ing about the dif­fer­ent pro­grams they offered and what each pro­gram was like. And for some rea­son I nev­er read any of those books. I just applied to engi­neer­ing school because I thought, Oh, you know I like to make things, and engi­neer­ing school’s where you make things.” 

Star Simpson at the Freedom to Innovate Summit

One of the most sur­pris­ing out­comes since then is to find just how many peo­ple I know who are engi­neers [have] had some expe­ri­ence with the law. It’s unbe­liev­able the num­ber of peo­ple who’ve come to me and said, Look, the same thing hap­pened to me when I was a teenag­er, when I was in col­lege, a lit­tle after.”

Hal Abelson’s Remarks at the Freedom to Innovate Summit

Maybe what we ought to do is start advo­cat­ing that hack­ing is a reli­gion. We can expand, right? We can car­ry around our lit­tle cir­cuit boards with lights and maybe extend to e‑meters or something.

Mindful Cyborgs #69 — Materials Science & Plastic-making Bees with Deb Chachra

Designers do spend a fair bit of time think­ing about what mate­ri­als to use, but they don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly think about why those mate­ri­als have the prop­er­ties that they have.