
ASU KEDtalks: What Soap Leaves Behind

We have an omnipres­ence of antimi­cro­bial chem­i­cals. We can­not escape them any­more. They are in our water, in our air, in our soil, in our food. They are in the wildlife and they are in us. But iron­i­cal­ly, they are much more effec­tive in killing things oth­er than microorganisms.

Building Resilient Cities Through Restoration of Fragmented Urban Ecosystems

Cities form a vast glob­al net­work con­nect­ed by flows of ener­gy, food, infor­ma­tion. This glob­al net­work is the chal­lenge of the 21st cen­tu­ry. How do we make more sus­tain­able cities, with small­er eco­log­i­cal foot­prints and more equi­table human wellbeing?