
2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dai Davies

I think the thing which I see as being real­ly impor­tant is there are a lot of still quite rou­tine jobs, where peo­ple are adding very lit­tle val­ue oth­er than mov­ing infor­ma­tion from one place to anoth­er. And I think that aspect of work will become increas­ing­ly rare in the same way that for exam­ple if you look back say forty, fifty years ago, fac­to­ry work con­sist­ed of rel­a­tive­ly rou­tine things.

Dai Davies’ Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

When I start­ed in 1991, I was a hired gun. I was brought in to cre­ate a net­work, a pan-European net­work, and I was going to do it for three years. Twenty-three years lat­er I’m still involved in the same thing.