
Persons of Consequence

New tech­nolo­gies open pos­si­bil­i­ties, and close oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties. We live in eco-technical nich­es as any­body else in the world, but we cre­ate our nich­es and we change them. So we adapt to the nich­es that we already have built in the past, and then we change them and cre­ate new nich­es in which we will adapt. But the chang­ing is exact­ly what we need to understand. 

Freedom From Consequences

Lack of attachment…does not mean dis­con­nec­tion from the world and oth­ers, but abil­i­ty to con­trol what can be con­trolled: the self, rather than con­se­quences. It is about detach­ing our moti­va­tion from the results of an action so we do not lose sight of what else is impor­tant: a sense of perspective. 

Applying Neuroscientific Findings to Enduring Social Problems

When low­er pri­mates form a hier­ar­chy, those at the bot­tom under­go a change in their dopamine sys­tem. This makes them more like­ly to con­sume drugs in an addic­tive fash­ion. Now, if this turns out to be true of our species, that would mean that human beings are par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble if they’re in some way dom­i­nat­ed or don’t have any power.