
Religion and World Politics part 9
Ecumenicalism and Trauma

The famous Dutch the­olo­gian Hans Küng once con­vened a par­lia­ment of the world’s reli­gions to come up with a com­mon eth­ic, think­ing that a com­mon eth­ic was pos­si­ble amongst all of the dif­fer­ent con­fes­sion­al enti­ties of the world. And indeed they man­aged to achieve a com­mon eth­ic. But when it came to sign­ing off the doc­u­ment that they had labo­ri­ous­ly com­posed, there were all kinds of problems.

The Courage of Compassion: Transforming Your Experience With Criticism

People will ask me, How do you deal with this feed­back? Does it hurt you?” And my response is yes, it does. Because if it did­n’t hurt me, then I think I would lose the capac­i­ty that I have to write sto­ries that con­nect with peo­ple. If I become immune to the hurt and to the pain, then I can’t write some­thing that moves someone.

The Conversation #17 — Laura Musikanski

What’s key…is that we all need to work togeth­er. There’s no way for all of us to know about each oth­er. We’re in that part of this new way of being that there’s too many play­ers. It’s too chaot­ic. There is no cen­ter, there is no hub. But we need to find ways to work togeth­er, and to lose the idea that any one of us is the solu­tion. Because if any one of us were the solu­tion, we would­n’t be where we are now.