
2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: George Sadowsky

I would hope that ten or twen­ty years from now we live in a world in which Internet access is tak­en almost for grant­ed, and that it’s con­ceiv­able that the Internet—the name Internet”—will actu­al­ly fade and we’ll just con­sid­er it part of the infra­struc­ture that we’re used to just like you know, there’ll be a plug in the wall for infor­ma­tion ser­vices over the Internet.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Adiel Akplogan

One of the key chal­lenges is the lan­guage bar­ri­er. In Africa there are three major lan­guages spo­ken, or used in pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ments: French, English, some Portuguese. And try­ing to bring the com­mu­ni­ty from all those dif­fer­ent lan­guage back­grounds to focus on a project like AFRINIC was hard.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: On Behalf of Suguru Yamaguchi

He’s a found­ing mem­ber of the WIDE Project that is the ini­ti­at­ing R&D and busi­ness of the Internet in Japan, as well as col­lab­o­rat­ing with glob­al part­ners in order to make the Internet the real infra­struc­ture for everyone.

Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech on Behalf of Suguru Yamaguchi

I was born in 1999. Some peo­ple like to call my gen­er­a­tion the Internet experts. For us, the Internet exist­ed from the moment we were born. And its safe­ty was tak­en for grant­ed. However, this is all due to the work of my father and his allies speak­ing to the world, telling them secu­ri­ty on the Internet is going to be high­ly impor­tant fif­teen years before I was even born.

Adiel Akplogan’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

Nominated for effort and con­tri­bu­tion to sev­er­al ini­tia­tives that brought and drew the Internet in West Africa in the 90s, and also for lead­ing and nur­tur­ing the con­sen­sus approach that has helped cre­ate AFRINIC, the Internet num­ber reg­istry in Africa in 2004, I have wit­nessed over those twenty-five years how tech­nol­o­gy can change and improve peo­ple’s lives on a dai­ly basis.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Adiel Akplogan

My hope is that the Internet con­tin­ues to devel­op based on its under­ly­ing cul­ture, which is an open tech­nol­o­gy that is acces­si­ble to everyone.