
The Beauty of Inclusion

As a black, African, woman, with albinism, my very exis­tence attracts social and polit­i­cal con­se­quences. And all of it is sig­nif­i­cant for me. It is my world between worlds. In the same way I could not just pick one doll, I can­not just pick one iden­ti­ty. An inclu­sive cul­ture accepts that it is not this or that. It is this and that. 

We Need A New Image of Africa

To have the hunter tell it, Africa is full of meek sto­ries about des­per­a­tion and despair. So when artists like myself offer an alter­nate vision, often we’re asked to defend our imag­i­na­tion. Why do we feel we have the lux­u­ry to cre­ate? Shouldn’t we be deal­ing with more impor­tant issues like cor­rup­tion, or war, or AIDS, or poverty?

Religion and World Politics part 12
Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab

Is the much-vaunted issue of reli­gion only one of many fac­tors in play in these seem­ing­ly unstop­pable and seem­ing­ly atro­cious and unend­ing con­flicts in dif­fer­ent parts of Africa?

Nnenna Nwakanma Keynote at Internetdagarna 2015

In Europe, there are about fifty-odd coun­tries, and about 725 mil­lion peo­ple. That’s about the pop­u­la­tion of Europe at the moment. What’s the largest coun­try in Europe in terms of pop­u­la­tion? Russia is. Russia has about 144 mil­lion, 145 mil­lion. But Nigeria has more than 170 mil­lion, and there are only about 40% of Nigerians who are connected.

A #Netfreedom Agenda for the 45th POTUS

In addi­tion to free­dom to con­nect, there also needs to be the abil­i­ty to con­nect, and that we need to mod­el best prac­tice at home and around the world, and the poli­cies that relate to that.

Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Advice for the Next President

Asking any author about a book the President should read imme­di­ate­ly makes me think, Mine, of course.” But what I would actu­al­ly say is the next pres­i­dent should be Jamie Merisotis’ America Needs Talent.