
2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Abhaya Induruwa

Having got the money, the next challenge was to somehow get the only telecom provider at the time in the country, Sri Lanka Telecom, to set up the network communication channels. So with a kind of persuasion I was able to get three 64 kilobits per second wireless links to connect my university, University of Moratuwa, to two other universities, one in Colombo, University of Colombo, and Open University. And in 1994 we set up the first IP ran in the country.

Abhaya Induruwa’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

Imagine a word before the World Wide Web. Imagine a time before you had smartphones. And imagine a life where you had to live at X.25. And this was the time I was dreaming of a research academic network for the Sri Lankan academic community.