Miko Hirabaru: I’m Masaki’s daugh­ter, Miko Hirabaru. I’m very hap­py that I could par­tic­i­pate in this cer­e­mo­ny today for my father. To be hon­est, I grew up with­out know­ing much of his work. But this time I could know that there are many peo­ple who high­ly regard­ed his work and loved his char­ac­ter. It’s been five years since he passed away, but this induc­tion gave me a chance to know the oth­er side of him. I’m very proud of him, and I real­ly miss him. I want to say thank you to all the peo­ple who came and regard­ed my father’s work, and espe­cial­ly Mr. Maimura and Mr. Hochizaki for sup­port­ing for me today. Thank you very much.