I would like to start by thank­ing the Internet Society for this great hon­or, to be induct­ed in the Internet Hall of Fame. But like many of us already said today, I would also like to thank all the oth­ers who sup­port­ed me work­ing in the devel­op­ment of the Internet. I’m very grate­ful to have the priv­i­lege to work with so many tal­ent­ed and nice peo­ple all over the world. And of course there are too many to list here, and I will not start to do that. 

But I would like to men­tion two specif­i­cal­ly here. One is Boudewijn Nederkoorn, who was the cofounder and my co-managing direc­tor of SURFnet in the Netherlands, at the nation­al research and edu­ca­tion net­work that actu­al­ly was the basis of all my Internet activ­i­ties. And the oth­er one is my wife. As Vint said, glob­al net­work­ing, these glob­al col­lab­o­ra­tions, and a lot of col­lab­o­ra­tion. And they both allowed me to trav­el any­where, any time, when there was a need for that. And with­out their sup­port, I’m sure I would not be able to stand here now. 

So that’s for the thanks. There is still a lit­tle bit of time to reflect on the Internet itself. It’s of course obvi­ous that the Internet is a huge suc­cess. And it’s impos­si­ble to imag­ine a world with­out it any­more. At the same time, I think the cur­rent Internet is not future-proof any­more. It’s amaz­ing how far we have come with the Internet today. It’s an archi­tec­ture that was nev­er designed to do the job it is asked today. And if you want to secure the Internet for the future of mankind, as sev­er­al peo­ple already said as well, I’m pret­ty sure that we have to look at a new archi­tec­ture, a real new slate. And of course to do that in a way that is com­pat­i­ble with the exist­ing one. I’m not a researcher. I’m not a com­put­er sci­en­tist. But I’m pret­ty sure that we do have the know-how, we do have the tech­nol­o­gy, to make that hap­pen. Of course you will face a lot of vest­ed inter­ests if you start to do that. But I think we need to assem­ble the courage and the part­ners around the globe to make that an effort and secure the Internet for the future. Thank you.

Further Reference

Kees Neggers pro­file, Internet Hall of Fame 2013