John Cioffi: Well first let me begin by thank­ing the Internet Society for select­ing me. It’s tru­ly a great hon­or to be induct­ed here into your Internet Hall of Fame. In view­ing the list of pre­vi­ous and cur­rent inductees, one is awestruck just to be includ­ed among them. My own con­tri­bu­tions in broad­band access, par­tic­u­lar­ly DSL, seem some­what dwarfed by those of the oth­ers and I thank the Hall pro­fuse­ly for includ­ing me. But nonethe­less, DSL is used on half a bil­lion phone lines around the world, and I look for­ward to see­ing bil­lions of bits per sec­ond go to bil­lions of peo­ple over the next decade. 

As with every­one, there are many oth­er peo­ple who’ve con­tributed to this area that I’d like to thank. First let me start with Stanford University, who was my employ­er for about two decades and where much of the ear­ly work was done. And in par­tic­u­lar all the many stu­dents there who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the devel­op­ment of DSL. They real­ly did all the work, and not the least of of which were some of those who joined me at a small com­pa­ny called Amati, which pio­neered the orig­i­nal DSL designs in the ear­ly 1990s, includ­ing Peter Chow, Jacky Chow, Jim Aslanis, Krista Jacobsen; along with pro­fes­sion­als from the indus­try, Mark flow­ers, Mark Mallory, and John Bingham.

Also thanks to Texas Instruments, who pur­chased Amati after it’d gone pub­lic with the basic DSL chips, and they pro­mot­ed that area and for sev­er­al years there­after were the largest sup­pli­er of DSL com­po­nents in the world.

Further, great thanks goes to my cur­rent employ­er, ASSIA Inc., which has been a true pio­neer in advanc­ing DSL and soft­ware def­i­n­i­tion and man­age­ment of access net­works, where many more for­mer Stanford stu­dents have joined me. I’ll list here [Wonjon Lee?], Iker Almandoz, George Ginis, Mehdi Mohseni, Ardavan Maleki, Phil Bednarz, Mark Goldberg, Chiang-yu Chen, Ming-Yang Chen, Bin Lee, Wooyul Lee, Bill Abbott, Chan Soo Hwang, Mohamad Charafeddine, and Tosin Olatonbosun have made tremen­dous con­tri­bu­tions. As well as engi­neer­ing pro­fes­sion­als there also, Peter Silverman, Mani Balakrishnan, Arash Sahidi[sp?], Sina Coleggi[sp?], and Mingxin Hwang[sp?]. Jeff Moyer, Ken Kerpez, Stefano Galli, and Kamal Yassin. And also to the rest of the very sup­port­ive staff and pro­fes­sion­al busi­ness­peo­ple there at ASSIA

And final­ly and espe­cial­ly to our com­pa­ny’s name­sake and my wife and cofounder of the com­pa­ny, Assia, who’s here with me tonight, a con­tin­u­ing source of inspi­ra­tion and sup­port. She’s sit­ting right over there. So, thank you very much.