Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, flame of the Internet.

This is Geek of the Week and we’re talking with Peter Deutsch, who is president of Bunyip Information Systems. Peter, welcome to Geek of the Week.

Peter Deutsch: Glad to be here.

Malamud: You’re best known as the originator of Archie, or one of the originators of Archie. Can you tell us what Archie is?

Deutsch: Okay, for those who have been on the net all that long or having a chance to find Archie, what we’ve basically got is a tool that goes out across the Internet, collects information, and puts it all in one place so that you don’t have to know where everything is, you just have to know where we are and we’ll help you find it.

Malamud: So you go out and do directory listings of anonymous FTP sources.

Deutsch: Yeah, that’s our current famous database. We currently offer two, but the most famous one is a list of basically all the anonymous FTP archive sites on the net that will allow us to track them. It’s a volunteer thing. If you don’t want us, you tell us, we won’t track you.

Malamud: Now how did you end up starting Archie? Why’d you do something like this?

Deutsch: Okay. Well, I was a graduate student working for the School of Computer Science at McGill. I had a couple of people working for me. The way it usually works if you work for a university is you work on the ten-year plan. They allow you to work, they swear it doesn’t interfere with your studies. And…it does.

So what we had there was a fairly large number of machines. We had an Internet link and we have to keep it alive with no money for software or anything like that. So my partner Alan Emtage, who worked for me at the time, was given the job of finding the missing things. We know there’s something called gnutar, where is it? Alan’s lazy. He likes to think of himself as a true computer scientist, that is to say he minimizes keystrokes. So he wrote this little tool. And unfortunately we mentioned it in a Usenet posting once, got flooded with postings with people asking us to do searches. So we stuck frontend onto it, and that was sort of it. It was off and running at that point.

Malamud: Well you started it off by running one Archie server at McGill. And then all of a sudden there began to be lots of Archie servers. There’s one in Australia, there’s one in Finland. That means every one of these Archie servers goes out to these anonymous FTP sites and does a directory listing. And people look at Archie and say well gee, one Archie is fine. But what happens when a million Archies come in every night and do my directory list?

Deutsch: Okay, we were actually very aware of this from the beginning. We were very aware of the load that Archie started to generate at McGill, because it is a resource-intensive service. We had a lot of people coming to use it. So we looked to see about spreading it around. Now, we could’ve just stuck the code in archive, but we said there’s a problem with that. And the problem is ten million Archies hitting all the archives would be a problem.

So what we decided to do is we identified some people who would help us sort of cooperate. We worked with FUNET and AARNET in Australia, and ANS and SURAnet and so on. And we’ve set it up so that the various Archies actually talk to each other. So one Archie will gather all the files in Sweden, for example. And then rather than all the other Archies coming to visit Sweden, they will just contact this one, he will send a copy, who will send a copy, and so on. There’s a fair amount of handshaking going on behind the scenes that the user doesn’t see. And it helps to minimize the loads.

Malamud: This kind of sounds like a global directory, doesn’t it?

Deutsch: Uh…under a different name? Sure. It happens to track only anonymous FTP files, at this moment, although we do hope in the reasonably short term that there’ll be more collections served by this. But, yeah it’s a directory service for anonymous FTP. We like to think the technology is extensible and can be used for other collections. And as soon as we can get a little bit more time to stop answering mail and start building, we’ll have a few more databases out there.

Malamud: So is Archie X.500-compliant?

Deutsch: [laughs] Okay you found my hot button. You’re looking for a flame and you’re gonna have one. What we did is… We needed some directory services. And we looked around and said okay, let’s look at this X.500 stuff. And we brought it in and we played with it for a couple of days. And like many people, unfortunately, we threw it away. It’s too hard to bring up. I think they’ve confused implementation with architecture a few times, and it basically didn’t do what I wanted it to do.

So, Archie is an interesting collection of information. It doesn’t everything standardized in terms of how you can address queries to it. So there is another effort we have going on at the IETF to build a sort of very lightweight, simple protocol for doing directory queries. What we would like to see is a combination of Archie, which gathers information into one place, and this new protocol we’re working on, an enhancement WHOIS we called WHOIS++. And I think that’s going to be a fairly interesting combination when we finally finish it off.

Malamud: Well, what’s wrong with the X.500? There’s been a lot of work that’s gone into it. It’s gone through a couple iterations in the international standards effort. It’s taken in input from all parties. Isn’t that the way we ought to be doing directories?

Deutsch: I’ve spoken with Steve Hardcastle-Kille, one of the people behind it, and he told me that we should use X.500 because it’s the best political solution. Now, the problem I have with that is I don’t think the Internet is built on the best political solutions, I want things built on the best technical solutions. It is true that various political bodies have had input into this. I don’t see that a lot of users have had a lot of input into this. And I don’t see that there’s a lot of useful information in there. I would like something that’s driven by demand, and…some— My own particular view on things—maybe I’m a fairly simple person, but I like to build fairly simple things and make it incrementally more complex until it does just enough, and no more. And I’m afraid that they’ve sort of thr…they’ve thrown an awful lot at this problem.

Malamud: It’s feature-rich.

Deutsch: It’s feature-rich, boy is it. And I would rather take a step— There were some very interesting things. I don’t want to criticize the people that’ve done this work, because some very interesting ideas have come out of it. But there’s also some things we’ve learned, that’ve been done wrong, and I think we can go back and take another slice at it. And I’m not saying we have to throw X.500 away. There’s been a fair amount of effort put into it, we can certainly improve it, and hopefully the work we do with WHOIS…if nothing else it encourages X.500 to fix some things it’s got wrong with it [all would have don a use?]. I have no proprietary interest in you know, getting WHOIS out there, I just want a working directory service, and if no one else will give me one that works that I can just turn on out of the box, I’m gonna help build one myself.

Malamud: Now, what is WHOIS++? How is this different than WHOIS?

Deutsch: Okay, what we’ve basically done here is… Our mandate, which we set ourselves a couple of months ago, or a few months ago, was we want to be able to answer quite simple questions. What is your email address? What is your name? Where is the nearest gopher server and so on. So, what we did is we looked at WHOIS as a model. There was a BoF held late in 1992 at an IETF, and we kicked some ideas around. And what came out of it was well no, we shouldn’t try to do X.500 all over again. That’d definitely be inappropriate. But would it be appropriate to look at enhancing the simple WHOIS model. WHOIS in effect has a protocol, if you will: send me something, I’ll send you something back. And what we’re doing is we’re jazzing that up a little bit: send me something a little structured, I’ll send you something back a little structured.

So, it’s an enhancement to WHOIS where we basically have taken some work that’s been done at the IETF on defining standardized templates for encoding information, and we’re saying okay, now let’s have a model that says “I have a collection of these templates and I can search on attributes, and I can search on values, and I can give you back the results. And it’s—we’re trying to keep it as simple as possible. We don’t want to do everything on the first pass. What we want to do is be able to answer some simple questions like “What is Carl Malamud’s email address?” you know, that should not be brain surgery, and right now it’s one of the tougher problems on the net.

Malamud: So what’s wrong with SQL and these other languages that define query mechanisms and response mechanisms?

Deutsch: Okay, well I outlined what we were doing with WHOIS++ to somebody and he said, “Well you know, I have a protocol that would be perfect for this application. You don’t have to use your own protocol, which is really quite simple. You can map everything you have into one of my features in my protocol. And of course my political does a gazillion other things as well.”

And immediately a little alarm bell goes off. And the problem is, we really want to model ourselves after the success of Gopher. The Gopher people have a very simple query transaction protocol: send something that looks like this, we’ll send you back something that looks like this. And because it was so simple, a lot of people can experiment with it. They could build clients, they could build servers, they could bring in interesting variations to it, because building the protocol stack is no big deal. You can spend your time on the enhancements and the features, because that’s where we want to see the experimentation. I don’t think it should be that hard to ask simple questions.

Now, if you need complicated questions, fine. There are more complicated solutions. But the way I describe it to people is, if you think directory services is a hard problem you’ll have a hard solution. Let’s go for some simple solutions, let’s ask some simple questions, and see what comes out of it. So that’s basically were takin’ it right now.

Malamud: You work in a general area known as resource discovery, and there’s a variety of efforts out there in the resource discovery realm. Are all these gonna come together and become one single service, or are they gonna work together…what’s gonna happen? Is Archie gonna merge with WAIS?

Deutsch: I— This is interesting. There’s a couple of ways you can take this, or you can try to take this. And one attempt could be made to find the protocol to end all protocols, the service to end all services, and tie it all together. I think that’s inappropriate for a number of reasons. Amongst other things if you look at the way interesting and useful or productive things have been built on the net—the whole net has been built—it’s been a slice at a time. We don’t eat our salami by taking the whole thing and trying to chew it. We take a slice of the problem at a time.

And you don’t want to discourage that. If you try to go for the one global solution I think you’re gonna have…you know, right back where we were talking a few minutes ago, the problem that tried to do too much. So I think what you’re gonna find is, there will be an integration effort, certainly we’ve seen it already. I am quite happy to say that Archie is not really an end user client service. It really should be hidden behind something like Gopher or World Wide Web. These people have spent time thinking about the interaction problem, and they’ve got a good cut, presenting information to users in a way that’s fairly easy to do.

Now, I want Archie and I want WAIS, and these other indexing services hidden behind a nice front end. I want the people who do frontends well to concentrate on them. There will be an integration in that sense. But what I don’t think you’re gonna see is Archie won’t become Gopher or vice versa. We will have interesting collections, and if you want the interesting collection you’ll learn to speak the access method you need for that. We’ll still have lots of them but I think the tools will become…we’ve got a multi-protocol network, we’ll have a multi-protocol information service as well.

Malamud: You’re listening to Geek of the Week. Support for this program is provided by O’Reilly & Associates, recognized worldwide for definitive books on the Internet, Unix, the X Window System, and other technical topics. Additional support for Geek of the Week comes from Sun Microsystems. Sun, the Network is the Computer.

Malamud: Now, you mentioned Gopher and World Wide Web. And in a way those are two extremes of how to do an implementation. Gopher is very simple, almost spare. The protocol’s simple, the user interface is fairly simple. World Wide Web makes extensive use of SGML, of hypertext links, and might even be hard to put information into. Certainly once you put the information in it yields a lot of results. Are both those approaches gonna be on the network or do you think one of those is going to win out?

Deutsch: No— Once again, I keep talking about Darwinian selection of services, Darwinian selection of protocols. What you’re going to find is we’re gonna find ecological niches where each belongs. You need complex solutions when you have complex problems. What you need is to not try to throw a complex solution at a simple problem. Gopher, hopefully the guys—and from what I’ve seen so far they’re doing an excellent job of remembering their roots, where they came from, simple is good. They can’t do everything but they’re not trying to do everything.

On the other hand, the World Wide Web project…it does have values added. Now, I think what we have to do is identify when is it appropriate to use something like World Wide Web, which is a hypertext system. Very nicely distributed one, but it’s a hypertext system and it has all the associated navigation problems that there is with hypertext.

So I think putting World Wide Web into a closed domain of information where you can browse around it is an excellent idea. Putting the whole world onto hypertext I think is a bad idea. So I guess you’ll have it, you’ll have both of them, and you’ll probably have some new ones that hopefully will come out in the next little while, and I want to see people experimenting with new ideas. We certainly haven’t discovered everything there is to discover about how to do this. But no, no one is going to win out. You gonna have multiple protocols, multiple ways of thinking about information and therefore multiple ways of surfing it.

Malamud: You’ve been looking at a variety of ways of identifying information. We have these huge data archives, and you can find a file name but it turns out that the process is more difficult because we have more than files we’re trying to find and they’re located all over the place. Can you tell us how we’re gonna identify resources on a network?

Deutsch: Sure. Actually, what we did is my partner, Alan Emtage, and I got Archie up and running, and we began to realize that you know, Archie can be used for other things, not just the file names. In effect what you’re doing with Archie is you’re searching on a particular attribute, which happens to be the file name. Now, the obvious extension is let’s give it some more attributes that we can catalog, and therefore you can do some more sort of…more general searching.

So, what we did is we cochaired and IETF working group that’s just come to completion that’s defined a set of templates that you know, if you want to use one of these Internet— I’ll give you the— The buzzword here is an IAFA template. Internet Anonymous FTP Archive was the name of the working group. So we talked about these IAFA templates. There is a user template that lists various attributes about a user. His name, his email addresses, his paper mail addresses, his phone numbers, and so on. Now, this will be an informational RFC. It’s just going into draft form right now. And the idea’s we are going to strongly encourage anonymous FTP archive administrators to put out collections of information that use these templates, because tools will then be able to know the format of the information, pick ’em up, index ’em, and serve ’em back out again. We’re not the only people looking to do this, but certainly we’re committed, as this information starts to become available, building additional databases. How about one that lists every service at your site? Well we picked that up from all the sites, we all of a sudden have solved the yellow pages problem. We can build services—

Malamud: So these IAFA templates are catalogs in a card catalog, is that what they are?

Deutsch: In effect what we defined is a standard set of card catalog types that says okay, if you wanna catalog a person, here’s one way to do it. Now, you’re not required to use this way, but if you do and everyone does, then all of a sudden the tools can be a little more clever about what they do. So yeah, they’re basically sets— They’re…I can’t remember the exact number but there was about a half dozen types we did. One that specializes in users, one that specializes in services, one that describes software, one that’s an abstract for papers. And you basically catalog whatever you want to be catalogued. Let the people who’re gonna run these indexing services know about it. They’ll start picking them up. If you make a change, the changes will appear automatically. It’s the Archie idea carried to the next step. Other kinds of information. We all need information on the net. Nobody wants raw connectivity, they want the information, and this is our cut at trying to get it out there in a way that everybody does a little slice of it, only the information of interest to you, you keep yours up to date, and then the tools can be used to help everybody find it.

Malamud: Now, I see a big difference between Archie and the IAFA. Archie depends on computers to get its information and IAFA depends on people. What makes you think people are gonna keep information up to date?

Deutsch: People often come to me, even when I was still working at McGill University as an administrator. And the big debate has been in this environment of “Oh, we can’t possibly let the users have access to their own data. We have to control the data.” And I’ve always thought that was really a silly distinction. The people who run the machines should run the machines, but if I— Let’s face it, if I want my phone number on the net, I want it to be the right phone number. And I’m appropriate person to keep track of that information and keep it up to date. It’s expensive for a computing center to pay someone to keep everybody’s phone number up to date. It’s cheap for each person to keep his own number up to date.

Malamud: Well but can people be expected to— You know, a phone number’s simple. You either know it or you don’t. But when it comes to cataloging the technical papers that’re available and your expected [crosstalk] to come up with codices—

Deutsch: Oh, I don’t necessarily believe that every person will be his own librarian and do his own abstracts. But it’s certainly appropriate for example that your department has someone that does this for the whole department. Now, that’s not outlandish. You could have someone do that part-time. Trying to do this on the scale of an entire network, or an entire university, it gets harder. And each time you try to be more ambitious, it gets harder. And there’s these…reverse economies of scale, if you will, where it’s easy to do a few, it’s hard to do a lot and get other work done. So our own particular cut on this is that if we can just…you know, the salami model. Take a little slice. If everyone takes a slice, well very quickly the work is done. After all, you have an interest that your information stays up to date. And if you have the tools to keep it up to date…someone complains, you’ll fix it. I think it’s a much better model than trying to go for global administration. There are times you need it. But…there are times when it’s inappropriate. It’s just not gonna work because it’s too expensive on a network of over a million machines.

Malamud: You’re trying to define some standards. You’re trying to define standards for template, you’re doing work in areas like universal record identifiers. What’s the proper place to get those standards done so that they actually take effect?

Deutsch: You know, I— This is going to turn into an ad for the IETF. I’m a real enthusiast for the IETF. Every year there’s some kerfuffle that comes up and there’s a little crisis, and I look at this and I think you know, if we have one major fight in the IETF a year, we’re doing pretty good, because look how much work is getting done. I think it’s an excellent model for any other group that wants to set standards. You build your rough consensus and your working code, and so much work gets done through this avenue.

So, we’ve concentrated around we’re a fairly small company now. We have to be very careful about where we you know, spend our ammunition. And we’re very committed to working through the IETF because I’ve found that it’s a process that produces results quickly. There’s a motivation to get on with it, the only people there are the ones who actually want to work on the problem. It’s democracy in action and I think it works pretty well. So to me the avenue to try to standardize these services is not to dictate a protocol. It’s not to get governments to fund studies. It’s to get volunteers who want the problem solved at the IETF and set up a working group and get some work done.

Malamud: And you think these informal de facto standards have a chance of being adopted for these very large data archives out there?

Deutsch: We have an existence proof of one and a half million machines that talk to each other. The Internet…just works. I mean…it doesn’t always work well, and pieces of it can hurt a little bit. But I think what’s been accomplished on the Internet working through this mechanism is pretty impressive, and I have some faith that it’s got a little bit life left in it yet.

Malamud: Archie worked, many would say, because it was a free service. It was available on the network, the software was available, you were running Archie as a non-commercial, anyone could telnet in and grab their information. And now you’ve formed Archie Inc, if you will, Bunyip Information Systems. Are you now moving away from that freeware models?

Deutsch: No. Well, one thing I want to make clear is Archie was never free. It cost, originally McGill University a huge amount of resources. We did all of our work, volunteers, as students. Alan got a master’s project and I got a thesis out of it.

But, to me, we must make users aware that there is a difference between freely available and free. Archie has always been freely available. I hope that that particular collection of information will always continue to be freely available. But when it became clear that we could not work on it at McGill University and stay at McGill University once we finished our studies, then we have to find another way to pay ourselves.

So what we currently do is we charge for access to the Archie server code. And that allows us to continue to improve it, to bring up new databases, to go to the IETF. This is fairly simple Economics 101 stuff, but…I do have to eat. I’m not independently wealthy. I’m not even dependently wealthy. So, I have to have some income.

Now, there is a lotta debate about funding models on the net. I certainly am averse to charging somebody ten cents a query. For some very simple reasons. Not the least of which is a very efficient way of doing it. I know somebody that just got a bill for $2 from AT&T for some phone service and I thought oh, that’s really silly. Probably cost them four times that to send the bill, if not more.

So I certainly hope that we can find funding models where, for example, if your network is using a service, your network pays the service provider or the information provider some flat feet. We are all actively looking at this. There are a lot of people that want to put a lot of information on the net, but we do have to figure out some way to reward this effort. Because you never know what you don’t get. But I can say that, quite frankly if I’d had some support, if I’d had some money two, three years ago, Archie would be a much more useful collection of information than it is now. Now we’ve finally got the money flowing, it will get more useful.

So I think that we mi— And there’s controversy going on over Gopher right now. The Gopher people have announced that they’re gonna have to start charging license fees as well. And obviously I…you know, I’ve bought into the model where we have to do this, but I can only defend them and say the Gopher people have shown us some wonderful things and they’ve shown what we can do. But they too have pressures. Their institution has to be able to see some return on all the efforts they’ve put into it. They’re not out to make a fortune, we’re not out to make a fortune. But we do need to get some money going back to the sources of information—or you just not gonna have ’em on the net. It’s as simple as that.

Malamud: This is Geek of the Week, featuring interviews with prominent members of the technical community. Geek of the Week is brought to you by O’Reilly & Associates, and by Sun Microsystems.

Malamud: Would Archie had become popular if you had not given the way the server code? Could you have sold server code for Archie when you first started?

Deutsch: There’s certainly an evolution going on on the net. If we’d gone to the people originally and said, “We have this really spiffy idea called Archie, and it’s up at McGill and it’s flooding our network, and I’m gonna sell it to you,” most people, if not everybody, probably would have said, “Go away. Don’t bother me. Don’t be silly. We don’t charge for software on the net.”

Now we go to them after it’s been up and running for a while. It’s a demonstrably useful service. It’s…you know, not to put too fine a point on it, I don’t want to sort of boast, but it is a useful service that get a lot of use every day. And so the people that are running it, when we came to them and finally said, “Look, you’ve now got it, you’ve been running it for a while. If you want us to continue to support it you’ll have to help,” almost all of them turned around immediately and said, “Sure, no problem. We understand.”

Now, again we’re not charging thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. However we are covering expenses right now, and— [crosstalk] The answer is—

Malamud: Doesn’t that violate the spirit of the net, though?

Deutsch: Well okay, I guess I didn’t answer the question, I gave a little speech. So, I think what you’re seeing is the spirit of the net…has to evolve a little bit. The spirit of the net is still there. I still am giving my own back to the net. I go to the IETF and no one pays me to do that. I have work to support, and I go to conferences and give talks and so on that I don’t charge for. But there is… Let’s face it, what could be done on an Internet of 10,000 machines or a hundred thousand machines becomes infeasible on an Internet of a million machines. A good example of that is Veronica, which is an Archie-like service that came out for Gopher. Tried to index all of Gopherspace and make that information available. And I watched Veronica go through in a matter of a few weeks what took us a year to go through. That period of interest, more interest, explosive growth, floods that have to get forked off to other sites, what’re we gonna do about supporting it, documentation… You know, there’s a whole lifetime, and what’s happened now with the size of the net and the popularity of services, that lifetime’s been condensed. What took us a year to get to the point where it was insupportable, took Veronica the space of a couple weeks to become insupportable. What used to work on the hundred thousand-node net, we’re gonna have trouble doing it the same way.

Now that’s not to say I don’t want to see another Archie. I most definitely don’t want to discourage experimentation. But one we can do this is take a step back and say okay, how can we create an environment where we can still allow these pilot services to be brought up, but without…quite frankly, melting the wire to your university or your research center or whatever when you first turn it on. I don’t know the answer to that. I only know that it’s a problem we’re going to have to address. And I have every faith that the problems will be addressed because there’s a hacker feeling out there that’s going to continue and no one’s gonna kill it. It’s just a question of okay, the rules have changed a little bit, a little bit of environmental change or Darwinian selection will perhaps find a slightly different way of arriving at the same ends. The hackers aren’t gonna stop hacking, you can be sure that.

Malamud: You talk about volunteering your time to the IETF. Is that process gonna continue or are we gonna have to fund the IETF through some kind of an IETF tax?

Deutsch: Interesting— There’s been a debate going on the last couple years, the IETF’s had the same explosive growth that the rest of the Internet has had. My cut on it is that it still works. I think the process is still best served by people coming there as individuals and not as representatives of special interest groups or particular slices of the community. My own expectation, and my own hope, is that it continues the way it is now. Whether that’s true in ten years, I can’t say. I think anyone who tries to predict out more than a year or two in this business is crazy. But certainly I think in the next year two— There are problems to be addressed, no questions about it. But I think that yes, volunteers is still the way to go for at least the next year or so.

Malamud: Well but the federal government has been pitching in a good million dollars a year to make the IETF work. And if that money goes away, how does a process like the IETF happen? Do we raise user fees? Do we raise fees on attendees? Do we put a tax on TCP/IP software? What’s the right way to fund this process of moving technology out into the Internet?

Deutsch: Good question. Alright. Um… There’s a perceived value in the IETF. People are very happy with what comes out of it. People are very happy with the pro— Well. Not everybody’s happy with the process, but I think people are usually happy with the results.

I think it would be fair to expect sponsors of the IETF to sort of pick up the slack if the government has to cut back. Now, I don’t necessarily see the government has to cut back, given the talk of commitment to networking. But let’s assume the government did cut back. I think it would be appropriate to accept donations from companies that see a benefit, provided we could make sure that this is strictly hands-off donations and you know, there’s a pot you pay into if you think it’s a good service. Hey, I’ve got no money, I’m a very small startup. But I would certainly pay larger fees if that’s what it took.

Now, the other thing we might have to look at, the IETF is getting very large. There’s been a lot of talk of breaking it into smaller pieces. If they’re smaller pieces they wouldn’t be quite expensive on a per-group basis, although you’d lose the…you know, the cheap doughnuts and the cheap coffee because it all has to be done for everybody.

Let’s just take the worst scenario. There is a cutback. I’d like to think that some companies pick up the slack because it’s a good thing. And it’s the cheapest investment in standards you’ll get. If not, then we’ll have another talk and we’ll see how it can go. I don’t know if that’s a real problem yet.

Malamud: You talk about the increase in size of the IETF. Can we do useful work in working groups in a assembly of a thousand people?

Deutsch: Interesting. There was a debate a couple of—just bef—it wasn’t the last— I guess it was about six months ago; let’s sort of nail down a time here. About all this incredible rise, and what’re we gonna do, do we start training courses. Somebody suggested an entrance exam. Quite frankly if there’d been an entrance exam I never would’ve started going. And I like to think that I can contribute to the process.

So I did a posting at one point to the IETF mailing list and said, is there anyone out there who can honestly claim that their working group lost a significant amount of time because of the large number of people in the room who weren’t up to speed. No one answered. Now, that maybe nobody ever answers my postings, but I think more appropriate is to conclude…well, no they’re actually not getting in the way. It is a fairly cheap way to train your people. Send them to the IETF and they find out what’s going on.

On the other hand, you’ll get the interesting idea from the strangest person. You don’t know if this guy out from left field happens to have just the connection, just the answer we need to the problem. I would encourage… Now, I don’t want 30,000 people there. I go to Interop for different reasons, but it’s a completely different experience given the scale. But currently I think work is getting done. Because the interested people sit down in the front. They participate. Most work is done by a small core group, and the others act as sort of a sanity check. And you can have a fairly large number of people representing the user community doing sanity checks without it really interfering. And I think right now, certainly in the areas I work in, which I don’t try to do routing and I don’t try to do very low-level stuff. But the areas I work in, I can claim right now that we’re getting work done. And the large numbers of people aren’t particularly getting in the way. And we’re getting more work done, you know. There’s a lot of work to do. I wouldn’t discourage any volunteer that wants to come and help. So, at the moment I think it’s a manageable problem.

Malamud: You started a company, and you didn’t call it WAIS Inc., or Archie Inc., you called it Bunyip Information Systems.

Deutsch: Yeah. Why not Archie—

Malamud: What is Bunyip?

Deutsch: Alright. This is a great question, and which I think means from the marketing point of view it’s a great company name since you have to ask. I have rather checkered history. I was born in California, I grew up for a long time in Australia, now I live in Canada, and I moved around a lot. One point in my misspent youth, I read a book, in Australia. One of the lead characters was Bunyip MacDuff. Now I don’t remember too much about the book but I remembered the name and thought this is a nice name, has ties to a Australia because that’s where I read the book. And it just seemed like it’s a kind of name that people would remember. It’s also the “IP” in the title, “Bunny IP” as some people call it, which doesn’t hurt. And it just…it’s something that was always down in the sludge of my subconscious that seemed to be a nice name.

Now, when we went to name the company, we— One obvious choice was to try to get Archie in the title but…we’re not actually in the software business, and we’re not in the Archie business. We like to think we’re the publishing business. We make information available to people, we process it, we take it and do some value-added to it, and give it back to you. And so really we wanted something that was divorced from an actual service or an actual protocol. Because I really think the important thing to realize is, nobody cares. The average user doesn’t care what the protocol is. They want the information.

And I like to think that we’re trying to take a very broad, very general, very non-protocol-specific approach. If you’ve got an access method that will get me useful collections of information, I will try to write an interface to it, or find a gateway that does get to you. And I think that’s a very very Internet way of doing things. You’ve got useful stuff, I’ll do the hack that gets me to it. Somebody else gets useful stuff, I’ll do another hack. Now, if we do it right, it’s not really hacking, its component-by-component piecewise building. I mean that’s how you build brick walls, one brick at a time.

So yeah, basically that’s what it is. It was an attempt to step back from a special service, one protocol, and say you know, we’re not so [flippant?]. We can remember our childhoods. We don’t remember all the details. But…yeah, we’re not so bad. That’s sort of where it came.

Malamud: Well, there you have it. We’ve been talking to Peter Deutsch and this has been Geek of the Week.

Malamud: This has been Geek of the Week, brought to you by Sun Microsystems, and by O’Reilly & Associates. To purchase an audio cassette or audio CD of this program, send electronic mail to

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