David Clark: Hello. I’m very sorry that I have to join you by video. I wish I could be there in person to say how delighted I am to receive this award. When I started working on the Internet in the mid-1970s, we certainly did not imagine the future would look the way it does. It’s been a wonderful adventure with many wonderful friends and collaborators that’ve made it happen. As we single out a few of us, it’s important to remember just how much of a team effort this has been.

And of course, the adventure’s not over. If I can use this moment to make just one point, the future of the Internet today is not defined by technologists, it is defined by the rich interplay between technology and the larger context of economic investment, regulatory theory, social, cultural, and political concerns. It’s a challenge for the technical community to understand these larger factors. But they are the ones that’re now driving the future, and that’s where we must go if we hope to have a role shaping the future. I still believe the future of the Internet can be shaped by smart people, and that’s the challenge we should accept. Again, thanks very much and I hope you’re having a wonder event.

Further Reference

David Clark profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013