Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is a very great honor and I’m proud, honored, but not so little surprised to be here. But still, even though I’m not a troublemaker, I may well not be an evangelist, but I’m a really really stubborn lady. And I’ve been working with DNSSEC since 1999, when I started my first project in that area. And we signed the Swedish top-level domain, 2005, being the first one. And then I pushed the others in front of me, trying hard to get them to follow us. And today I would say that DNSSEC is operational. It’s day-to-day business. And I’m very glad to see that happen because you know what? DNS is a wonderful piece of engineering art, and we need to protect it as good as we can. So thank you very much for having me here. And what I am doing every day is a reward in itself. Getting awarded for it is even better. Thank you.

Further Reference

Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013