The Relevance of Algorithms

The Relevance of Algorithms

presented by Tarleton Gillespie

How would we begin to look at the pro­duc­tion of the algo­rith­mic? Not the pro­duc­tion of algo­rithms, but the pro­duc­tion of the algo­rith­mic as a jus­ti­fi­able, legit­i­mate mech­a­nism for knowl­edge pro­duc­tion. Where is that being estab­lished and how do we exam­ine it?

Response to Tarleton Gillespie’s “The Relevance of Algorithms”

presented by Martha Poon

It seems to me that to confront algorithms on their own terms, we may have to modify our preoccupation with the politics of knowledge and take up an interest in the politics of logistical engineering.

Can an Algorithm Be Agonistic? Ten Scenes about Living in Calculated Publics

presented by Kate Crawford

This is why it matters whether algorithms can be agonist, given their roles in governance. When the logic of algorithms is understood as autocratic, we’re going to feel powerless and panicked because we can’t possibly intervene. If we assume that they’re deliberately democratic, we’ll assume an Internet of equal agents, rational debate, and emerging consensus positions, which probably doesn’t sound like the Internet that many of us actually recognize.