Critical Computing
Using Computers for Social Awareness and Empowerment

presented by Fox Harrell

In the real world we can creatively represent ourselves in dynamic ways. So, we can vary our gesture, our discourse, our posture, our fashion, life stories, the way we tell our stories. And all of this is with an astounding sensitivity to social context. Computer technologies like computer games, social networking, and virtual worlds are much more primitive than what we do in the real world.

Malia Lazu, Black Reality 2.0: Creating and Making in the Digital Age

presented by Malia Lazu

I became tired of knocking on the same doors and either seeing the same people or different people. But I really just felt like I was in this cycle of faux liberation, where I would feel a victory, and the victory was probably formed around the RFP for the grant that we needed to get in order to do our work.

Certain Blacks
Future Frames from the Liberated Zone

presented by Makani Themba

I want us to play together… I’ve been thinking a lot about the black future. One, because I want to have one. Personally, I would like a black future. Because I want a future. And then I was thinking about just how many folks don’t actually put black and the future together.