Citizen University

Social Disruption and the Sharing Economy

presented by Matt Kibbe

I think there’s an unprecedented opportunity to change our relationship with political power. And I don’t think we need to be afraid of it. I don’t think we have to compromise our core principles in order to do it.

The New Caring Majority

presented by Ai-Jen Poo

In building this movement for a caring majority, we believe that we have to return to our fundamental core values. Values that really bring out the best in who we are. Values like respect. Like opportunity. Like democracy.

Why Black Lives Matter

presented by Alicia Garza

Black folks have consistently been denied the rights to privilege that come with citizenship that so many of us take for granted. And that’s why so many of us are no longer satisfied with the compromises and negotiations that happen behind the scenes, that continue to leave out too many people whose lives depend on the ability to participate in the decisions that impact their lives.