Full Surrogacy Now means two dialectically opposed things. It is simultaneously a utopian cry for the queer gestational commune, and a description of what’s going on right now, which is very much not that. The dystopian structure of planetary reality in the present. Indentured service, subalternity, crowdfunding, outsourcing, neofeudalism, civil strifes, invisiblized sub-sub-contracting, and above all—to use the phrase of Shellee Colen—reproductive stratification.
Sophie Lewis

Liberatory Ecotechnologies, Cyborg Ecologies and the Green New Deal panel discussion
in Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal
One of the things that’s really difficult about scale is precisely this question of how do different collectives interface with each other and interface as part of one another.