Sasha Costanza-Chock

Liberatory Ecotechnologies, Cyborg Ecologies and the Green New Deal pan­el discussion

in Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal

One of the things that’s real­ly dif­fi­cult about scale is pre­cise­ly this ques­tion of how do dif­fer­ent col­lec­tives inter­face with each oth­er and inter­face as part of one another.

Design Justice for the Green New Deal

in Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal

What I want to share is one way of think­ing about how we’re going to design and build the tech­nolo­gies and the sociotech­ni­cal sys­tems that we need for a Green New Deal, if such a thing is what we do want to build. And what that could look like through the lens of this com­mu­ni­ty of prac­ti­tion­ers that I’m part of, which is the Design Justice Network.