Priscilla Solis Ybarra

Liberatory Aesthetics for a Just Transition? pan­el discussion

in Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal

This pan­el is sup­posed to be about joy­ful, lib­er­a­to­ry aes­thet­ics. So what do we need to devel­op in order to advance that con­ver­sa­tion? What kind of non-white,non-Anglo,decolonial aes­thet­ics and imag­i­nar­ies are need­ed today for this polit­i­cal moment?

Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial

in Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal

This is a pan­el that pro­pos­es to talk about lib­er­a­to­ry, joy­ful aes­thet­ics. And if you’ve tak­en the time to read the Green New Deal, it does­n’t real­ly take a lot of care to appeal to us in an aes­thet­ic way, right. It’s a bureau­crat­ic doc­u­ment. But we’re chal­lenged here to talk about cul­tur­al pol­i­tics and the Green New Deal, or what Damian said this morn­ing, how does that pol­i­tics feel and entice?