Of course we’re avid, avid watchers of Tucker Carlson. But insofar as he’s like the shit filter, which is that if things make it as far as Tucker Carlson, then they probably have much more like…stuff that we can look at online. And so sometimes he’ll start talking about something and we don’t really understand where it came from and then when we go back online we can find that there’s quite a bit of discourse about “wouldn’t it be funny if people believed this about antifa.”
Joan Donovan

We are immersed in a hyperpartisan media ecosystem where the future of journalism is at stake, the future of social media is at stake. And right now I’m really worried that the US democracy might not survive this moment.

I want you to know that they are just pathmakers and ‑breakers in their field. There’s a way in which you’re taught to be a scholar and you’re taught to be pragmatic in the choice of your projects, you’re taught to be careful in the ways in which you speak in public, and these two do it better than anyone I know.