Berhan Taye

Silencing the Silence
The Vicious Cycle of Censorship and Surveillance

in re:publica 2019

Where I come from and where the rest of the world is, the issue’s not intel­li­gence agen­cies hav­ing back­door access to our data. Yes, they do have back­door access to our data, but they also have front door access to our data.

Kill Switch episode 1: The Rise of Internet Shutdowns

in Kill Switch

You des­per­ate­ly shoot off mes­sages on your phone to find out what is hap­pen­ing. But none of the mes­sages are going through any­more. Your Twitter feed is not refresh­ing. Even when you open your lap­top and decide to try from there, it is use­less. Your com­put­er does not want to con­nect. Even this pod­cast you’re lis­ten­ing to right now stops stream­ing suddenly.