I would like to start by thanking the Internet Society for this great honor, to be inducted in the Internet Hall of Fame. But like many of us already said today, I would also like to thank all the others who supported me working in the development of the Internet. I’m very grateful to have the privilege to work with so many talented and nice people all over the world. And of course there are too many to list here, and I will not start to do that.

But I would like to mention two specifically here. One is Boudewijn Nederkoorn, who was the cofounder and my co-managing director of SURFnet in the Netherlands, at the national research and education network that actually was the basis of all my Internet activities. And the other one is my wife. As Vint said, global networking, these global collaborations, and a lot of collaboration. And they both allowed me to travel anywhere, any time, when there was a need for that. And without their support, I’m sure I would not be able to stand here now.

So that’s for the thanks. There is still a little bit of time to reflect on the Internet itself. It’s of course obvious that the Internet is a huge success. And it’s impossible to imagine a world without it anymore. At the same time, I think the current Internet is not future-proof anymore. It’s amazing how far we have come with the Internet today. It’s an architecture that was never designed to do the job it is asked today. And if you want to secure the Internet for the future of mankind, as several people already said as well, I’m pretty sure that we have to look at a new architecture, a real new slate. And of course to do that in a way that is compatible with the existing one. I’m not a researcher. I’m not a computer scientist. But I’m pretty sure that we do have the know-how, we do have the technology, to make that happen. Of course you will face a lot of vested interests if you start to do that. But I think we need to assemble the courage and the partners around the globe to make that an effort and secure the Internet for the future. Thank you.

Further Reference

Kees Neggers profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013