Kanchana Kanchanasut: Thank you. You know, I was very surprised to receive this recognition. However, once I received the news I became so happy. Not just for myself but for all my Thai colleagues who worked together with me in bringing the Internet to Thailand. It’s not just me. And I think my experiences may be very similar to Gihan Dias and to other South American [?]. And so I will not repeat that. Instead, I would like to briefly talk to you about what I had to go through playing this pioneering role in a developing country.

The most difficult thing was in order to get involved in this type of activity, we needed to get finance. We needed to get funding. And for us, it was very difficult because our government would not understand what we wanted to do. The telcos would not let us touch their equipment. So that was our first task. And once you overcome that, we had to start finding people, students, and we had to try to train our engineers. And for this I received a lot of help from a lot of my friends in [SRC?] and APNIC. And I really want to thank them here as well.

Apart from that, after training all these people, all the engineers and getting ready for the network expansion, we had to come across a lot of problems with policymakers and government in order to— We needed to always try to strike for a balance, whether the multistakeholder model is going too far or the other way around. So, we are a kind of people in the middle that tried to balance these two powers. And this recognition may help me and my team to do a better job in this role. Thank you.

Further Reference

Kanchana Kanchanasut profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013