Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, town crier to the global village.

We’re talking with Steve Deering, who’s a member of the research staff at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center. Xerox PARC of course is the fountainhead where it all began, and there’s work still going on. Steve, welcome to Geek of the Week.

Steve Deering: Thank you.

Malamud: You’re the author of multicastinging IP. Now I know we can do multicasting on Ethernets, and we send a packet out and several different nodes can receive that at once. Why do we want multicasting at the IP level?

Deering: Well, there are two that multicasting at the IP level does for us. One is the obvious one, that if what you have to do is send the same data to more than one machine, one destination, it’s more efficient for the network, and for the sender, to send only one copy and have the network replicate it where necessary. You also achieve parallel, concurrent delivery that way so it reduces the overall delay of delivery.

The second reason why multicast is useful is it’s a way to send messages to destinations whose individual address you don’t know. So for things like advertising services, or seeking out services, various autoconfiguration or resource discovery problems, it’s one way to deal with that.

Malamud: Is multicasting actually being deployed in the Internet?

Deering: [laughs]

Malamud: I know you’re working on it a long time. Are we starting to see this become a real service?

Deering: It’s maybe a little premature to call it a real service. It’s out there in experimental mode at the moment. There is the MBone, which is a virtual IP multicast network laid on top of the Internet which is reaching about…I don’t know, a couple hundred IP networks. I don’t know how many sites that represents because some sites have more than one network. But it’s still pretty much an experimental facility. Various service providers are participating in the MBone, learning more about it and finding out what that dangers of offering such a service is.

Malamud: You call it a virtual IP network. Is this not an integral part of the Internet itself? This is not just an enhanced version of the Internet Protocol?

Deering: It is. It is an official Internet standard extension to IP. The problem is we don’t have the IP multicast routing support installed in the existing routers and we have to transition or phase it in somehow. And so what we’re doing is we have islands of IP multicast capability, routing capability, and then we join them up by tunnels. A tunnel encapsulating a multicast packet inside of a unicast to sneak it by routers that don’t understand multicast, and then deencapsulating it when you get to the next island and then routing it onwards. And it’s this interconnection of islands that I’m calling a virtual Internet. The goal is that in fact the virtual becomes one-to-one with the physical work, and that capability get down into the routers. Because the tunneling mechanism is very inefficient. We end up sending multiple copies of the same packet over the same link, which is what multicast is trying to avoid.

Malamud: Why are you sending multiple copies over the same link?

Deering: Well, if for example my machine here at Xerox PARC has— And my multicast routers here has two peers, one in Barnet and one maybe at NASA, because the routers between here and those two destinations do not support multicast, I have to encapsulate and send an individual unicast copy to each of those destinations. And there only one wire that goes out of here, the T1 link from here to Barnet. So there are two copies with identical contents but different destination addresses.

Malamud: Now the MBone is a global multicast group. Do you think multicasting will in fact be used for global communications, or is multicasting going to usually be used within a local environment? Do you have any feel for that yet?

Deering: Both.

Malamud: Both.

Deering: Both. And the sort of most obvious applications are conferencing, which the use of it for more conferencing, its value is increasing the further away the participants are. If we have to have a conference between someone in Australia, someone in Sweden, and someone in California, then the value of that is greater than if it’s a meeting between three other people in the Bay Area or three people here at Xerox.

Malamud: You’ve been testing a lot of this out on the MBone with something called IETF TV, broadcasting, multicasting, the IETF sessions. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Is this a good way to test the service out? Is it an operational thing? Should we expect all IETFs to be the multicast in the future?

Deering: Well. Um…

Malamud: Do you have [crosstalk] other work to do?

Deering: That’s my hope. The idea to do this came out of the challenge that I don’t remember who it was that said. But somebody said that we ought to be able to start using our Internet to facilitate participation in IETF meetings. And so we thought there’s at least the potential there to start experimenting with the ideas of having remote participation in IETF meetings. We had some tools multicast infrastructure, or the software to build a multicast infrastructure. And new audio tools, the vat program from Van Jacobson. At the second IETF we did this. We had a a video program from BBN. And the third time we had a couple video programs from—one from PARC and one from Inria in France. And…

Malamud: Well, you… I hear video conferencing as an application that goes on the MBone. Are there other applications that you see multicasting being used for now, or coming soon down the pike besides the video conferencing?

Deering: I keep hoping. There’s actually an interesting— Someone posted a message to the MBone list saying that next month they’re going to be doing some oceanography experiments in…I think it was the Gulf of Mexico, where they have underwater robots. And they want to transmit the data that these robots are collecting in real time as multicast so that multiple receiving sites can be tracking the data, and in the fact this may include video of the undersea camera. So for sort of dissemination of scientific data that’s being collected real time, that’s an obvious application.

I mentioned resource location mechanisms, although that may turn out to be one of the applications that tends to be more localized than global. I don’t think you’re going to do multicast searches globally to find resources.

Malamud: The MBone, you described it as a virtual IP network, and in this case it’s being used to do multicasting. That that’s a form of an enhanced IP. Can the Mbone be used for other types of experiments besides just multicasting?

Deering: Oh sure. This whole idea of building a virtual network on top of the Internet is a… Well, there are analogs in the way for example people run IPX Novell networks across the Internet, where they tunnel through IP. That’s building a virtual IPX network. The mechanism by which we’re going to be able to deploy a new version of IP I expect is going to look very much like the MBone, where again we’re gonna have islands of new capability, and you have to get to the existing infrastructure and you’re going to do this kind of tunneling mechanism. So for example we’re planning with the SIP work to exploit the MBone or something very much like the MBone as a way to get large-scale experience testing with SIP and as a way of demonstrating that you can in fact transition to it.

Malamud: You talked about SIP, the Simple IP? is what SIP stands for?

Deering: It’s one of the things it stands for.

Malamud: One of the things it stands for. It’s an acronym with many reverse engineerings. SIP is an attempt to solve the problems that were originally posed by the routing and addressing task force of routing table explosion and address space exhaustion. Are you trying to solve other problems at the same time when you’re designing this new IP?

Deering: Uh, well. Yes, in that— In that it’s the addressing and routing problems that motivate thinking about installing a new IP. But if you’re actually going to go to the effort of installing a new IP, the temptation is irresistible to try to do other things as well. And certainly there are many aspects of the current IP protocol suite that could use some improvement.

Malamud: What are some of the more important ones that you think need to be in the next version?

Deering: Autoconfiguration of some sort is very important as the Internet service becomes more ubiquitous and more lay persons become involved in running IP systems. Making it a lot easier to install IP systems and use them is very portant.

We’re trying— I don’t know how successful we’re going to be, but we’re trying to define the security protocols along with SIP such that we might actually have security in there right from the beginning. That’s obviously a big hole in IP and why I think one of the inhibitors to the growth of IP is the lack of strong security.

Malamud: So what does that mean? Does that mean encrypting the data inside the IP packet? Does it mean putting some kind of authentication mechanism in…

Deering: It means at a minimum authenticating. So, I guess what they refer to as um… Well it’s authentication and…

Malamud: Authorization?

Deering: No. Where you can detect if it’s been tampered with. Tampered either accidentally or maliciously.

Malamud: So message integrity.

Deering: Integrity, that’s the word. Thank you.

It’s not— I mean, clearly encryption gets you into all sorts of political minefields having to do with export controls and so on. And there’s a lot of traffic on the Internet. There’s no particularly strong reason to encrypt it. And the basis of our sort of proposal for what to do with SIP is based on the SP3—Security Protocol Level 3—work done by NIST and I think it’s since been taken into the ISO world as NLSP, the Network Layer Security Protocol, which is a way of encapsulating the payload part of an IP or an Internet datagram and applying either integrity checks to it or integrity plus encryption.

Malamud: So SIP is ISO-compliant.

Deering: [laughs] Um…at an abstract level, sure. I hope they’ll adopt it.

Malamud: You’re listening to Geek of the Week. Support for this program is provided by O’Reilly and Associates, recognized worldwide for definitive books on the Internet, Unix, the X Window system, and other technical topics. Additional support for Geek of the Week comes from Sun Microsystems. Sun, the network is the computer.

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You’re looking a lot of enhancements in SIP. Some fairly radical changes in what the IP packets look like. How do you think we’re going to be making that transition? Is there a strategy that you’ve come up with that will make a transition from IP to SIP?

Deering: Certainly. It usually under the rubric of IPAE, this is IP Address Encapsulation, which is kind of a clumsy name and not quite an accurate name. But this is work primarily attributable to Bob Hinden and Dave Crocker, who designed it—who basically specified a scheme, before SIP was invented, to tunnel…to introduce larger addresses and then to be able to send packets that carry those larger addresses through the existing infrastructure by encapsulation and tunneling.

And as I was talking about before with the MBone, this allows the piecemeal and gradual introduction of of machines that understand the bigger addresses into the existing Internet. The scheme they had come up with in fact did not ever get away from doing that encapsulation. They sort of thought that they would build this and you would now have…packets would always carry this IP header around some header that carries bigger addresses. But Bob Gilligan of that group—of the IPAE group—recognized that the header they had that was carrying the big addresses looked very much like to the SIP header. And geez, if only only they’d used SIP, then you could think of transitioning to a clean final state where in fact you weren’t doing encapsulation anymore and you were back to a straight, simple header with bigger addresses in it riding directly on top at a link level. So that’s a very important part of the SIP work, is trying to make it so that it’s a fairly easy transition path.

Malamud: Is there ever a flag day? Is there ever a day when everybody has to be doing something else?

Deering: No. No. Absolutely not. And that’s… The updating kinda— The introduction of the new capabilities can happen in any order you can update. Just boundary routers first and immediately get some benefit with the wide-area scaling of routing. You can update hosts without any routers being updated. They just tunnel through the existing part. You can update interior routers within a domain but not the hosts, or you can do a whole domain. Pretty much in any order, and different parts of the Internet can do things in different orders. The only real flag day in any of us, and that applies to any of the the new IP candidates, is the day the IP network number space runs out.

Malamud: In other words once they become non-unique, [crosstalk] or you can’t assign another.

Deering: Right. Right. And by the time you get to that stage, you have to have all of the machines that you wish to continue to communicate globally, have to be upgraded to the new machine.

Malamud: But a local thing, for example a printer that would never be accessible from the outside world could countinue to use a plain old IP address forever?

Deering: Yes. Yes. And SIP— As part of transition mechanisms there’s a combination of mechanisms sometimes involving encapsulation and sometimes translation. The translation allows a SIP-only host, a pure SIP host, to talk to an IP-only host. So that it’s not necessary to carry around the baggage of IP forever to be able to talk to this old printer. And you could imagine people bring out SIP light switches, where the overhead of doing both SIP and IP in the light switch would be too high but SIP would be okay.

Malamud: And you never know with light switch advances.

Deering: Yeah, yeah. I don’t know if we’ll have light switches with gigabytes of memory.

Malamud: You’ve been looking at the very contentious issue of addresses. Obviously an IP packet is much more than just the address. But the thing that prompted a lot of this is the address space running out. How long do you think we have until that 32-bit IP spaces is gone? Do you have any idea?

Deering: Haven’t a clue.

Malamud: Do you think it’s a year, ten years…

Deering: Uh, more than a year, less than ten years. But uh…I don’t think anyone…knows.

Malamud: Is it urgent enough that we need to come up with a solution right away, or can we sit back and wait and see what the best solution is?

Deering: There is some urgency, but I don’t think it’s…you know, that we have to have some— You know. We’re not gonna run out at the end of this year. And there are— The way that addresses are being handed out now, some of the procedure has improved. The CIDR approach, where blocks of contiguous Class C addresses are being handed out in a chunk. That’s all good work. If in fact that doesn’t buy us enough time, there are other things we could do such as…causing certain parts of the Internet to renumber. And you know, if people think that causing renumbering is something that’s impossible to do I don’t know how we’re ever gonna get them to install a new IP.

Malamud: How hard is it to renumber? I know in my home network of six nodes if I had to renumber I’d do it. Is that really such a big deal to just say everybody’s gotta change?

Deering: Oh yeah it’s a pretty big deal either at a place like this or on a university campus. I think of all the place where IP addresses are embedded in hosts and hosts are embedded in closets and places you don’t know and… It’s pretty painful.And that’s sort of one aspect that we’d like to do better the next time around.

Malamud: And so renumbering is really something that you’d like to avoid.

Deering: But I say it still strikes me as… Well, maybe there is a way in which renumbering is worse than upgrading your software, because renumbering does pretty much— Well, depending on how you do it, could indicate—could require a flag day, whereas upgrading the software as I said could be done piecemeal.

Malamud: As to how we build addresses, you’ve advocated a scheme based on metro areas. Basically on cities, if you will. Could you explain that way of assigning addresses?

Deering: Okay. The motivation for it has there were existing proposals… And I first came to this problem in the context of [“n-taps”?], sort of for how to assign [“n-taps”?] which indicated that a site or a subscriber to the CLNP Internet would obtain an address prefix from a local service provider. And then all of the clients of that service provider would have the same prefix. You could aggregate all those sites into one route advertisement that went between providers.

Malamud: So that’s provider-based address assignment.

Deering: Right. So, all the customers of Barnet would be identified by a unique prefix which identified them as Barnet, and the rest the world wouldn’t have to keep a single individual route to Xerox, they would keep a route to Barnet. And that’s a swell scheme, the only drawback is that if Xerox decides it wants to switch its service from Barnet to some other provider…we have to change all our addresses. And I just talked about how painful it can be to renumber.

Malamud: What if you want service from both?

Deering: Well, the provider-based scheme requires you to have an address for both, and so your your internal hosts become multihomed, or at least they have multiple IP addresses.

Malamud: And everyone of your internal hosts has to be multihomed.

Deering: Every one that you wish to be accessible by all of the providers you’re attached to. Now the way they’re… Okay, so the motivation for doing this was— The whole issue, all these proposals for introducing bigger addresses into IP is currently we have an address space where we give every individual site and subscriber their own network number and that’s just a big flat space of network numbers. And that’s where the scaling problem is, because we can no longer afford to advertise all those globally. And the way we know how to deal with them is to aggregate them into larger clusters. And aggregating them into all of the clients of a single provider is one way of clustering.

And so I thought well is another way of clustering that would not require this…would not lock you in your current provider, would not make you pay the penalty of having to change all your addresses if you switched to another provider. And I started thinking about it mainly in the context of the telephone system. Because the telephone system, sort of at one level looked like it’s doing geographical addressing. The 415 area code is the San Francisco peninsula. But you can’t really tell if that’s a provider-based address or a geographical address because there’s only one service provider in the 415 area code, that’s Pacific Bell. And what would happen if a second prov— You know, if we’re actually to support competition for local phone service, not just long-distance phone service but local phone service, what would have to happen? Certainly if I had to change my phone number when I switched to the competitor of Pacific Bell that would be a real disincentive for me to switch. With the current sorta level of technology, you know, disks and memory and so on being cheap, it wouldn’t be that hard to have a single database of all 10 million phone numbers in the 415 area code which was a mapping from the phone number to who the provider is. And perhaps to that provider’s local indistinct so I could keep my phone number when I changed. It would mean updating a database. It’s a database that all of the providers, the competing providers, would update and have to share access to.

And that had a clear analog in the Internet problem, which is if instead of identifying Xerox as a customer of Barnet, we identify Xerox as one of the Internet sites in the San Francisco Bay Area, then that will also give an aggregation of all the customers in the San Francisco Bay Area; Xerox no longer has to be advertised as a single individual globally, just San Francisco Bay Area has to. And so I would have an address which was of the form probably what country I was in. Then what metropolitan area, which is sort of what major center of commerce, radiating out till it reaches the next center of commerce. Then a site ID of some sort within that metropolitan area. And then low-order bits by which I’d do addressing and numbering of my subnet’s hosts internally.

Malamud: So is that assigning addresses based on the topography of the Internet?

Deering: Topography? Um…

Malamud: Topology?

Deering: Yeah. What— This is a good question because…subjects of lots of debate of whether… The requirement— The balance— Okay, so the good side of metro-based addressing is that you don’t change your address when you change providers in the same city. There still are cert— If you move to a different city you have to change you addresses. But sort of…the prediction, what I’m predicting is that we hope we’ll get an Internet in which there are lots of competitive local providers. And it’ll be quite common for users, for sites, households, or corporations, or campuses or whatever to witch their providers occasionally just like the people currently switch between different long-distance carriers in this country.

Now, so that’s the good side. The bad side is that it requires that all of the providers serving the same metropolitan area interconnect with each other. I mentioned in the phone analogy that there was a shared database that all the phone companies had to maintain. The requirement for the interconnection is a basic rule of hierarchical addressing that if a packet gets delivered into the San Francisco Bay Area over some provider’s facilities, once it arrives in the San Francisco Bay Area it has to be able to get to the provider that’s serving the destination without going back outside of the San Francisco metropolitan area. Because if it goes back it’ll just come right back in where it came before. And so, every hierarchical cluster in a hierarchical addressing scheme has to be internally connected. And I imagine that happening in sort of a more straightforward way is for… Currently there are…FIX East and FIX West are the Federal Internet Exchanges where a number providers come together on a common subnet, exchange routs and extchange data. You know, traffic flows over those interconnection points. And I imagine the establishment of one or more of those in every metropolitan area—

Malamud: A metropolitan Internet exchange, a MIX.

Deering: A MIX, right.

Malamud: This is Geek of the Week, featuring interviews with prominent members of the technical community. Geek of the Week is brought to you by O’Reilly and Associates, and by Sun Microsystems.

[Book Byte segment omitted]

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Malamud: So who runs the MIX?

Deering: Um, that’s a good question. Whether the MIX is a critical building or not that everybody has to come to, or is just a mesh of wires between the different providers, or a high-speed switch sitting in somebody’s basement…there are a number of ways of doing it. There’s certainly…dangers of creating a monopoly if you know, the organization that runs the MIX then charges a fee to connect to the MIX and so on.

Malamud: Should the federal government or a state government be the MIX provider?

Deering: Oh, I hope not. What I… Naïve in this area of human endeavor as I am, I would imagine the providers serving a metro forming a…you know, the San Francisco Metropolitan Area IP Providers Association, and everybody chip in and create the facilities to form the MIX.

Clearly there still has to be a numbering authority, someone who hands a metropolitan area a block of addresses and, “Here’s your prefix, and you get to use this.” And I envisage something like a national chapter of the Internet Society or something being responsible for that in each country.

Malamud: Um, it sounds like in order to go from one service provider to another, the service providers need to coordinate with each other. Is that true?

Deering: Um. For some definition of “coordinate.” The simplest is imagine all the providers came together at a common LAN. Something high-speed.

Malamud: A piece of fiber running throughout the city, for example.

Deering: Or one—I’m thinking more of you know—

Malamud: One building.

Deering: An FDDI ring or something, where every provider attaches a router to it. What each provider has to do is know its own customer sites, so when packets arrive from outside the metro area Internet provider, it knows “Do I deliver it to one of my own sites, and if so I have my internal routing that does that. And if it’s not one of my customers I have to send it towards the MIX.” And in the sort of least coordinated way, you could imagine the router attached to the MIX doing something equivalent to an ARP, saying “Okay, whose customer is this,” getting an answer back, caching that, and forwarding the traffic to the new provider. And you know, if that subscriber that you’re sending to now changes to another provider, that forwarding stops working, you’d get back a “Sorry, you’ve got the wrong address,” you try a different— So you could imagine the interconnection simply being a passive medium like LAN and no need for any coordination other than a protocol for asking “Whose customers is this?”

Malamud: Let’s say I’m on a strictly local network, a strictly local service provider, and I want to send data to another metropolitan area. How do I pick which of the other service providers that are connected to my MIX I use as my transit network? We’re getting into the policy routing questions, obviously.

Deering: Right, right. One thing I should make clear is despite my talking about this somewhat in a telephone analogy, there’s no necessity for a strict separation between local providers and long-haul providers. So your Sprints or your long-haul providers, your MCIs, whatever, can—in my model—provide service directly to the customer.

Malamud: Exactly. And the reason I picked a strictly local provider is because that way we now have the question of which of the other service providers can get me to another metropolitan area.

Deering: Right. And so, you postulate a model that’s much more like the current phone system, where you have a local provider, and then a number of options for leaving—

Malamud: Right. But it’s understood those long-distance providers are also local providers in this case.

Deering: Right. And there’s something very similar to what you do with the phone system, which is you register who is your default provider or your preferred provider, maybe under some circumstances like you know, during this time of day I like my traffic to go over Long-haul Carrier X and this time of day Long-haul Carrier Y. Or for this type of service traffic that I’ve labeled appropriately. So that way, you would register sort of default preferences the same way I register my preferred long-distance phone company with Pacific Bell. And then something like SIP provides loose source routing, which would allow you to do the equivalent of dialing some prefix to select a different provider. It would be done by saying “Okay, send to this destination but make sure you go you go through this cluster of topology instead of my preferred route.”

Malamud: Are we gonna end up do you think with a system based on settlements between all these providers so that if I pump three gigabytes of data in on a day and you pump five gigabytes in, you owe me money? Or do you think we’re gonna be able to continue the current model in which everyone just connects up and we call it a wash?

Deering: Huh, the whole issue of how to charge for Internet services is a fascinating and thorny one. The model that makes sense to me, but again I say I’m not—this is an area where I’m naïve probably a bit. Currently, people pay for their Internet service mostly by paying a fixed monthly rate based on the bandwidth of their access line. And that sounds like a perfectly fine model to me for unreliable datagram traffic. The networks make no promise they’ll deliver your packets. Most of the time it gets through, and if it doesn’t get through often enough you’ll stop paying for it. But for a network that doesn’t offer to guarantee your traffic I don’t think you have to pay on a per-packet basis or a per-connection basis.

On the other hand, we are seeing. We work towards establishing support for real-time services, preferred services through the Internet, which will require some kind of setup protocol and look quite connection-oriented and that you’ll ask for special treatment for your packets like a low delay or a certain jitter bound. And you’ll engage in a setup, a sort of a negotiation with the network saying “Will you provide this service,” the network comes back and says yes no. It says yes. And I can imagine you being charged on a sort of per-reservation or a promise basis because your packets are getting preferential treatment. So a system where the current, unregulated, best-efforts datagrams continues to be charged at a flat rate, plus you pay per-connection charges for special treatment sound like a very sensible model to me.

Malamud: Sounds like simple model, too.

Deering: Right. Now how the different providers negotiate among themselves to charge back and so on is something I haven’t even thought of. As I said I had a model that there isn’t a strict division between local providers an long-distance providers. So you wouldn’t expect to get a separate bill from your long-distance provider and your local provider. You would get your bill from your local provider. That provider would negotiate— It would establis pairwise agreements with other providers to carry traffic to various other destinations. But that would all be blended back in the bill you got from your local provider.

Malamud: That’s very similar to how we do international telephone service these days.

Deering: Mm hm.

Malamud: Speaking of international, one of the dreams I’ve always had is to be sitting there with my laptop flying on an airplane and staying on the Internet while I’m doing it. True mobile computing. Have you given any thought to the questions of mobility issues in IP, or mobility issues in other places in the stack?

Deering: [quietly laughing] That’s a dumb question, of course I hvae.

Malamud: I wouldn’t’ve asked it if I thought you hadn’t.

Deering: Yeah I’m the chairman of a working group of the IETF which is supposed to be specifying protocol extensions to IP to support mobility. And in fact we have about four solid proposals for the group and are going to the pain of trying to sort out which we prefer, because they all seem to solve the problem.

Malamud: Are there some common elements in the proposals?

Deering: Oh yes. And part of the distinction between them becomes different engineering decisions. In all of them there is some need for a mobile machine to detect when it’s in a new environment. So there are some kind of periodic beacon messages or advertisements or something from those routers or base stations that can support mobile machines so that the mobiles can hear oh, I’m in a new cell or a new subner or whatever. And they all have mechanisms for something that looks kind of like a directory, so that when something is roaming away from its home area it registers back home to say where it is and packets, when a static host trying to send to a mobile host doesn’t initially know where it is, the packets go towards the home destination where somehow they’ll hit this directly and get redirected to where the mobile is. But there are all sorts of degrees of freedom in how you define that directory. Is it a single node, is it the set of routers on a home network, and so on. And some of the proposals differ in sort of of how they’ve made the engineering tradeoffs and how they’ve partitiond the functionality of this directory service.

Malamud: How far away do you think we are from beginning to at least deploy some solutions to these types of problems?

Deering: The proposals all have been implemented. And one of the interesting properties is that all of these schemes work without modifying the vast majority of routers or hosts. Again, there’s this… We always have this concern with the installed base. We can’t update everything at once. And so the schemes tend to involve smarter software or IP software on the mobile, and smarter software somewhere at your home base, but no one else has to know you’re doing this. So in fact you can have— All of these schemes can be going concurrently and nobody knows. So they’ve all been deployed in experimental basis. Now clearly for interoperability and to be able to go and buy a laptop and know it’s going to do the right thing we would like to come up with an agreement on a standard for that. And…

Malamud: Well we have four standards to pick from, then.

Deering: Yes.

Malamud: The nice thing about standards is there’s so many of ’em. Well thank you Steve Deering. This is Carl Malamud. You’ve been listening to Geek of the Week.

This has been Geek of the Week. Brought to you by Sun Microsystems, and by O’reilly and Associates. To purchase an audio cassette or audio CD of this program send electronic mail to

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