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Squadbox: Fighting Harassment with Friends

Online harass­ment is a huge prob­lem today. Pew and Data & Society have done reports that show that 40 to 50% of peo­ple online expe­ri­ence online harass­ment. That’s a huge num­ber of people.

Discrimination Audits & Challenges to Discrimination Studies

By using these tools like the sock­pup­pets, and scrap­ing, and using bots, and using APIs, we can look at a site for hous­ing and maybe try to fig­ure out if some dis­crim­i­na­tion is hap­pen­ing. Are these homes pri­or­i­tized dif­fer­ent­ly for dif­fer­ent peo­ple based on their age, on their sex, and so forth? And it’ll help us actu­al­ly under­stand why some of this might be happening.

Custodians of the Internet

What I’d like to do just with the few min­utes that I’m up here is to set the stage. This is a huge set of ques­tions, and I think a set of ques­tions that are explod­ing into pub­lic view in a way that they had­n’t even just a few years ago. So I want to sort of like, set the broad place that some of these ques­tions kin­da live. 

Using Data to Create Social Change

I think that it’s becom­ing hard­er for many peo­ple to feel like they can achieve social change either through the bal­lot box, or through protest, which is sort of our main mech­a­nism where when we can’t win argu­ments at the bal­lot box we stand up and show that we’re not hap­py about things. I want to make the case that both of those meth­ods are actu­al­ly suf­fer­ing as a form of social change. 

Managing the Internet’s Dumpster Fires: CivilServant Community Summit 2018

I want you to know that in this slide there is more than just a dump­ster fire. There are also peo­ple in suits who are train­ing and ded­i­cat­ed to man­age that fire.

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