Online harassment is a huge problem today. Pew and Data & Society have done reports that show that 40 to 50% of people online experience online harassment. That’s a huge number of people.
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By using these tools like the sockpuppets, and scraping, and using bots, and using APIs, we can look at a site for housing and maybe try to figure out if some discrimination is happening. Are these homes prioritized differently for different people based on their age, on their sex, and so forth? And it’ll help us actually understand why some of this might be happening.

What I’d like to do just with the few minutes that I’m up here is to set the stage. This is a huge set of questions, and I think a set of questions that are exploding into public view in a way that they hadn’t even just a few years ago. So I want to sort of like, set the broad place that some of these questions kinda live.

I think that it’s becoming harder for many people to feel like they can achieve social change either through the ballot box, or through protest, which is sort of our main mechanism where when we can’t win arguments at the ballot box we stand up and show that we’re not happy about things. I want to make the case that both of those methods are actually suffering as a form of social change.